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3 Underrated Tips to Improve Your Customer Service for Your Business

As businesses strive to increase customer engagement through social media and new offerings, customer service may rank low on their priorities. However, customer service is the first line of defense when dealing with struggling consumers—who have the potential to...

How to Find Your Urban Style Look

One might assert that street fashion defies aesthetic definition since it’s a style that picks on the heartbeat of what happens in the streets at any given time. But that can be said, more or less, for every category of style to have ever existed. Themes emerge out of...

A Quick Guide on Funding Your College Education

The cost of higher education has been steadily rising for decades, and it has reached a point where it now exceeds median household incomes in the US. While this snowballing cost can be attributed to a number of factors that are beyond the scope of this article,...

What is Zero Trust?

What is Zero Trust? Zero trust is a new concept in information security, which states that when companies trust individuals and devices on their networks, significant risks can occur. The zero trust security model proposes that users should not be trusted by default,...

Style Tips for College Graduation

There’s no doubt that your graduation day is a day when you want to look your absolute best. It’s a moment you’ve been working hard towards, and your graduation photos will no doubt do the rounds on social media and among friends and family. Here’s what you should do...

The Evolution of Business

The term “business” generally refers to an entity – whether an individual, a company or an institute – that engages in commercial activities with the sole intent of generating profit. These activities can be industrial, commercial, or professional. The idea of...

Technology Trends in 2022

If 2022 looks hopeful and has a promising outlook on anything, it’s technology trends. Technology has always got humanity’s back, and now more than ever it looks like it’s about to transform our lives for the better. And not just with electric vehicles and the advent...

Technology Trends in 2022

If 2022 looks hopeful and has a promising outlook on anything, it’s technology trends. Technology has always got humanity’s back, and now more than ever it looks like it’s about to transform our lives for the better. And not just with electric vehicles and the advent...

Advantages of Professional Computer Repair Services

Keeping your computer up and running can be a difficult task. Finding a reliable computer repair service is important, but not always easy. There are many types of computer repair services, and they each have a slightly different focus. On the high end, some companies...

Advantages of Professional Computer Repair Services

Keeping your computer up and running can be a difficult task. Finding a reliable computer repair service is important, but not always easy. There are many types of computer repair services, and they each have a slightly different focus. On the high end, some companies...