
Social events are a great way to get together with friends and have some fun. However, planning them can be a bit daunting. There are so many things to think about, and it can be difficult to get everyone together when they have busy lives. Here are some tips for organizing social events that will make the process a breeze!

Getting together with friends makes us feel good and keeps our spirits high. But as time goes on, it gets more and more difficult to get everyone together. And you have different sets of friends that you want to keep up good relationships with too. Sometimes weeks can turn into months without seeing each other, just because of circumstances and no-one taking the lead to get something in the diary.

So if you’re looking to organize social events with your friends more regularly, here are some tips of things you can do that will really help.

Set Up WhatsApp Groups

For each set of friends that you want to meet up with regularly, set up a WhatsApp group. This way, you can quickly and easily chat with everyone at once to arrange things. You can also use the group to chat about any ideas for events too. This is a quick and easy way to send people quick messages to find out if people are keen to meet up in the first place.

Create Shared Albums

When time goes by, some people forget just how good it is to see their friends. A great way to remind them of the feelgood factor of getting together is to set up an account with a provider that does shared albums. This is something that your whole friendship group can access, both to upload and view photos that have been added. Create the shared albums account and add some photos of your group that will make them nostalgic and want to plan the next social event! Then it’ll be all ready to go to add photos from your next meet up too.

Use A Scheduling Tool To Compare Availability

If you’re struggling to get a date in the diary that works for everyone, make life easier by using a scheduling tool. This way, everyone can log in and see each other’s availability. This is a great way to quickly and easily find out when everyone is free so that you can plan an event that works for everyone. One of the top reasons friends fail to meet is because of busy schedules and difficulty in finding a date that works for everyone.

Run A Poll With Activity Ideas

If you’re stuck for inspiration for what to do when you all meet up, run a poll with your friends. This way, everyone can add their ideas and vote on them. This is a great way to get everyone involved in the planning process and to make sure that everyone has a say in what you do. It’ll also mean that the activity is something that everyone will enjoy! This is also a good way to come up with some innovative ideas and activities that you might want to try together. Instead of always meeting for a meal, for example, you might find yourself doing stand up paddle boarding, or wine tasting at a vineyard!

Take Responsibility For Bookings

Once you’ve decided on an activity and a date that works for everyone, it’s time to take responsibility for making the bookings. This is important to make sure that everything is confirmed and that everyone knows what’s going on. Someone needs to take the lead on this, and if you’re keen to meet up, bite the bullet and take on the responsibility yourself. It can be helpful to create a Google Calendar invite so that people have all the details in one place. You can also use this to send reminders closer to the date.

Use An App For Friends To Pay You Back

When you’re planning an event, it’s likely that you’ll be the one making the initial payment. Whether it’s for tickets, or a meal, or drinks, it’s often the case that friends will pay you back later. To make sure that this happens quickly and easily, use an app that friends can use to pay you back. This way, there’s no need for awkward conversations about money, and you can be sure that you’ll get your money back quickly and easily.

Set The Next Date To Meet When You’re Together

Once you’ve had a great time catching up with your friends, it’s important to set the next date that you’re going to meet. This way, you can make sure that you stay in touch and that you don’t let the friendship group drift apart. It’s also a great way to make sure that everyone has something to look forward to! You can use the same scheduling tool that you used to plan the first event to find a date that works for everyone. Or if everyone brings their diary with them to your meet up, you could discuss it in person.

Get Together Regularly

The most important thing to do if you want to maintain a close friendship group is to get together regularly. This doesn’t have to be every week, but meeting up every month or so is a good way to stay in touch and to make sure that you’re all still close. If you can’t manage to meet up in person, you could always arrange a video call or catch up over the phone.

Organizing social events with friends can be a lot of fun. But it can also be a bit daunting, especially if you’re not sure where to start. With these tips, you’ll be able to keep your friendship groups on track!