Funds are essential for non-profit organizations to continue to do the important work that they do. With so many odds to overcome every day, it can be hard for non-profits to focus on fundraising. Luckily, there are many easy ways to ask for donations that also get the community involved. Here are some ideas to get you started.
1. Appeal to existing donors
Write a letter or call a donor to thank them for their support in the past and ask them to continue to support your organization in the future. This is a great way to keep the donor engaged and keep them up to date on your new campaigns. Asking for ongoing support can be a difficult thing to do but it is often necessary if you want to continue operating your non-profit group or project.
2. Crowdfund online
Online crowdfunding has become very popular in recent years. Because these crowdfunding campaigns are shared widely over social media, you may be able to reach a greater audience than your local community. Several online platforms such as GoFundMe or Patreon allow you to set up a campaign for your project or cause. Online crowdfunding has been known to help many organizations raise much-needed funds in a short period.
3. Sell coffee
If you are looking for a year-round fundraising avenue, why not sell coffee? Some altruistic coffee companies offer coffee fundraising campaigns where organizations can get a generous percentage of every bag of coffee sold. Almost every household drinks coffee so it is an easy product to promote and you do not have to door-knock or handle any products. The best coffee fundraiser only uses high-quality, sustainable and ethically-sourced products from around the world so you can be sure that you are helping the environment and the community too.
4. Start a bake sale
Bake sales are a tried and tested way of fundraising for clubs and schools. If your organization is small, holding a bake sale can be a great way to earn some extra money. This is because baked goods are easy to sell and people who do not eat them can still use them as gifts. However, before you commit to holding a bake sale, make sure that you have enough volunteers to help with the baking process as well as a large kitchen to work in.
5. Host a garage sale
A garage sale is fantastic to sell items that you are no longer using while raising money to support your group at the same time. It can also be combined with a bake sale or any other small event. If you are planning to declutter your home or upgrade sporting or technical equipment in your organization, a garage sale is a good idea. You can also ask your friends and family if they have any items to donate to the sale.
6. Hold a raffle or auction
Raffles and auctions are great ways to raise funds since people feel like they may get something more valuable in return for their donation. That said, you must ensure that prizes are attractive to get people to participate. Hence, you may have to contact local businesses and ask them to donate prizes in return for being listed as a sponsor. Be sure to promote your event ahead of time so that people have time to join and sponsors get enough exposure for their donations.
7. Organize a concert
Everyone loves a day or night out. Concerts are a great way to raise awareness of the work that you are doing and get people excited about supporting your cause. Reach out to local artists to see if they would be willing to donate their time to raise money for your organization. Organizing a larger event like this that involves local government and numerous staff will also allow you to foster stronger relationships with people in your community.
8. Run a car wash
Car washes can be a lot of work, but they are a great fundraiser for community organizations. People often pay a few dollars to have their cars washed and then donate again to the organization when they pick up their cars. However, you have to make sure that there is lots of room to park vehicles and that you have enough volunteers to get the job done. For instance, a school car park would be an ideal location.
9. Introduce a sports tournament
Depending on your organization, a sports tournament can be a great way to raise money. It can also become an annual event. Sports tournaments are fun because people will usually sponsor an event to watch the teams that they support play. Sports tournaments are well-suited for organizations that work with children and youth. Aside from involving your organization members, you can also get their parents and family members to form teams or hold a fun run for anyone who wants to join.
People love to support organizations that are doing good work in the community but they often need to be reminded and motivated to make a donation. Fundraising events are a great way to raise awareness for your organization’s hard work while gaining the funds to keep it afloat. We hope that the above ideas have provided some inspiration to help you come up with more ways to financially support your organization.