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There are a lot of things that affect the air quality outside your home as you go through day-to-day life. Some of which are out of your control, like natural disasters and climate changes that cause air pollution. But the air you breathe inside your home should be clean and fresh.

Poor air quality in the home can make you sick when exposed to these conditions for an extended amount of time. In some cases, even brief exposure can cause flu-like symptoms. Breathing polluted air can also cause inflammation in the body leading to chronic disease. Thankfully, there are ways you can improve, and then maintain, good air quality in your home.

Eliminate Dust

Dust accumulates everywhere, so keeping it under control is essential for maintaining clean air in the home. Dusting regularly can alleviate some indoor allergies. Carpet can trap a lot of dust in your home. If you have carpet in your home, you should vacuum at least once a day. There is also a certain way to clean dust to make sure it doesn’t cause an allergic reaction.

You should wear a mask while dusting and use a microfiber cloth when you wipe down the furniture. In addition to wiping, vacuuming, and keeping linen changed, you can also use an air purifier with a HEPA filter to maintain good air quality. You should also keep all other air filters changed so they can trap dust and other debris.

Make Sure Your Home is Properly Ventilated

Proper ventilation in the home is important. You can open windows and doors to let fresh air in, and polluted air out, but a more sophisticated system is needed for optimal air quality. It’s best to have an exhaust fan in the bathrooms to eliminate mold. Some bathrooms don’t have a window for ventilation. If you have a fireplace, you should make sure it is properly ventilated when in use so fumes are released outside and not in the home.

For the kitchen, you should have a good range hood over your stove for venting while you’re cooking, especially if you have a gas stove. There are different things to consider when choosing a range hood. You will need to measure your stove to determine how big it should be. CopperSmith range hoods can keep the air clean in your kitchen long after you have finished cooking.

Maintain Consistent Temperature

Temperature control will also help eliminate mold. It typically grows in very moist places, so it’s best to keep surfaces dry and at room temperature. Too much condensation can lead to a feeding ground for mold, and it can make you very sick.

You should set your thermostat to a comfortable temperature and avoid moving it up and down. Drastic temperature changes can lead to excess moisture. The air will be cleaner if you set it and forget it.

Keep Live Plants in the Home

Plants are natural air purifiers. The breathing process for plants improves the breathing process for humans-and vice versa. The symbiotic relationship between you and your plant can help keep the air in your home free of pollutants. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the air.

You could have two or three plants and see a difference in the air quality in your home. Plants can even rid the air of dangerous gasses. Orchid plants, specifically, can provide you with fresh oxygen while you’re sleeping!

Avoid Certain Cleaning Supplies

Of course, cleaning is important for maintaining good air quality in your home. It keeps dust and mold from building up and disinfects the air. But using the wrong cleaning agents, or using them in the wrong way, can lead to air pollution. You should avoid using cleaning solutions with strong fragrances and be careful with certain aerosol sprays. Volatile organic compounds are harmful to your health.

Also, avoid mixing cleaning solutions. Never mix bleach and ammonia! You can try using safer, natural cleaning agents like white vinegar, lemon juice, and baking soda. If you pour solutions into clear containers, you should always label the bottles and store them in an appropriate place. Most cleaning solutions are made with chemicals that are not good for your lungs. Always ensure you have proper ventilation and wear a mask when using these products to avoid breathing in harmful fumes.

Final Thoughts

Breathing polluted air can cause respiratory problems, an allergic reaction, and leave lasting effects on your health. Although there are a variety of factors that affect the air outdoors, there are several things you can do to improve the air inside your home.

If you take the necessary measures, like dusting regularly and maintaining proper ventilation, you can avoid polluted air. Try adding nice touches like indoor plants and a customized range hood that improve the look of your home and serve a purpose. There’s no place like home, and you should be able to breathe clean and sleep well while you’re there.